Many things cause water pollution. Most water pollution is casued by humans, but some pollution is caused by nature. Things that pollute our water are: sewage drainage into our water cycle, oil from vehicles, oil spills, fertilizer from crops and garbage dumps can run into our water system when it rains, hot water dumped from factories or nuclear plants, salt water can pollute fresh water, and dust and ash from volcanoes.
Water Pollution Solutions
Inside The Home:
- Conserve water whenever possible.
- Do not deposit any harmful chemicals or medications down the drain.
- Use environmentally-friendly household cleaning products and personal products.
- Recycle and dispose household waste properly.
- Support organic farmers by purchasing organic food and other products, since these farms are against using pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers.
- Properly dispose toxic products such as; paint, oil and other hazardous materials.
- Install water filters to help clean the water in your home.
Outside The Home:
- Enforce and obey anti-litter bylaws.
- Report misuse and participate in anti-litter campaigns.
- Refrain from using fertilizers or pesticides on lawns or gardens.
- Preserve our forest, which are natural water purifiers, by reducing paper use and by supporting reforestation.
- Don't deposit any waste or litter in any water system.
- Use storm bins to save rain water for future watering of gardens and lawns.
- Maintain vehicles to prevent oil leaks.
- Keep all boats and water crafts well maintained.